Therefore, I have included a list of professions that would require me to never shave again and the reasons why they would never work:
I think this career path would involve a woodland lifestyle that does not become my current plans. In other words, how many argyle sweaters can I bring to the woods before it's too many?
Paper towel endorsement model
Unfortunately, I'm not muscular enough to carry the Brawny name on my shoulders. This is especially detrimental to them because of my chiseled jaw and George Clooney good looks.
Although this career path would leave me plenty of time to blog, I just don't think it would be as good without my awkward social interactions. My best friend rock and friction though would get a lot of blog time.
Anyone in the 1970's
Sorry guys, we are officially in the Willenium. Will Smith is now god, and Wild Wild West is my Bible.
Anyone in the current porn industry
Cartoon villian - facial hair would have to be more stylized than unshaven
Who am I kidding? Being a cartoon villian would be pretty sweet. Although I would be constantly bumbling in comparison to my heroic counterpart.
I'm far too dainty to maintain myself in a jail house setting. Unless it was some form of musical version like Jail House Rock, but then again, those guys all looked pretty put together.
Harrison Ford, anyone? I imagine that being a fugitive would be like participating in the game show the Mole. I would slowly be driven insane by the fear that everyone is out to get me, and I guess they kind of would be. Yikes.
Sorry, already been there and done that.
The second coming is upon us. I think I'm more of a soapbox all-star than a Messiah though.
Documentary film maker
I think that besides unkempt facial hair this career also requires you to be obese and to be hated by all people.
Cast away
I would miss my blog and my raving fans in Croatia, Canada, and South Africa too much. Also, I am not going to follow in Tom Hanks' footsteps especially after his creepy likenesses in the Polar Express.
Survivor contestant
I'm not crafty or useful enough to actually make it to the point wear I would grow obscene amounts of facial hair.
Not really a profession, more of a hobby. Yet again, gross.
*In looking up more professions where you never have to shave the most popular google search is profession where you might be bitten by a dog.* - This search was fruitless. FYI.
But in case you were wondering the following careers may involve a series of dog bites.
And the top four responses in a survey of one hundred people are
Family Feud Top Four Answers
I was laughing so hard when reading this that Laura had to tell me to shut up 3 times. It's that good.
ReplyDeleteMarty, this is Maureen Strandquist speaking. My darling sister and Jessica enlightened me on this lovely blog of yours. It's amazing. I can honestly say I forgot how awesome you are. I miss you!